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The research on billboard advertising proves it
is a highly effective advertising medium!
~Eskew & Gresham's marketing research
showed that the cost per thousand impressions of billboard advertising would be $1.26, compared to $24 for a comparable ad
in a magazine. Note: American Outdoor's average cost per impression is even less at $.05!!
-From Mediamark: Consumers Most Interested in Billboard Ads Mediaweek By Katy
Off all the nontraditional forms of advertising, consumers had the most interest
in ads on billboards. Product placement in television came in second, according to new research from Mediamark Research's
Spring 2007 in-person, in-home survey of 26,000 adults 18 years and older.
Of consumers who had seen at least one
billboard, 49.3 percent reported "considerable" or "some" interest in billboard ads; 43.5 percent named
product placement on TV; 35.8 percent cited interest in ads at sports or entertainment events; 33.2 percent expressed interest
in ads at the movies; and 31.2 percent cited product placement in movies. Billboards, TV product placement, sports and
events ads and movie ads all out-ranked bus and transit advertising; ads on postcards, on elevators; in video-games; taxi
ads; and ads sent to cell phones and other mobile devices.
Among all the alternative media, younger people were
more likely to report interest in nontraditional forms of advertising than older demographic groups.
interesting that product placement on TV, which is a relatively non-intrusive form of advertising, has such a high ranking
when compared with more ubiquitous and hard-to-miss forms of advertising," said Anne Marie Kelly, VP of marketing and
strategic planning for MRI. "And while in-theater ads have drawn their share of criticism over the years, these
data show that almost one third of movie-goers are interested in them."